31 Oct 2014



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Putin To Western Elites: Play-Time Is Over

Via Club Orlov blog,
Most people in the English-speaking parts of the world missed Putin’s speech at the Valdai conference in Sochi a few days ago, and, chances are, those of you who have heard of the speech didn’t get a chance to read it, and missed its importance. Western media did their best to ignore it or to twist its meaning. Regardless of what you think or don’t think of Putin (like the sun and the moon, he does not exist for you to cultivate an opinion) this is probably the most important political speech since Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” speech of March 5, 1946.
In this speech, Putin abruptly changed the rules of the game. Previously, the game of international politics was played as follows: politicians made public pronouncements, for the sake of maintaining a pleasant fiction of national sovereignty, but they were strictly for show and had nothing to do with the substance of international politics; in the meantime, they engaged in secret back-room negotiations, in which the actual deals were hammered out. Previously, Putin tried to play this game, expecting only that Russia be treated as an equal. But these hopes have been dashed, and at this conference he declared the game to be over, explicitly violating Western taboo by speaking directly to the people over the heads of elite clans and political leaders.
The Russian blogger chipstone summarized the most salient points from Putin speech as follows:
1. Russia will no longer play games and engage in back-room negotiations over trifles. But Russia is prepared for serious conversations and agreements, if these are conducive to collective security, are based on fairness and take into account the interests of each side.

2. All systems of global collective security now lie in ruins. There are no longer any international security guarantees at all. And the entity that destroyed them has a name: The United States of America.

3. The builders of the New World Order have failed, having built a sand castle. Whether or not a new world order of any sort is to be built is not just Russia’s decision, but it is a decision that will not be made without Russia.

4. Russia favors a conservative approach to introducing innovations into the social order, but is not opposed to investigating and discussing such innovations, to see if introducing any of them might be justified.

5. Russia has no intention of going fishing in the murky waters created by America’s ever-expanding “empire of chaos,” and has no interest in building a new empire of her own (this is unnecessary; Russia’s challenges lie in developing her already vast territory). Neither is Russia willing to act as a savior of the world, as she had in the past.

6. Russia will not attempt to reformat the world in her own image, but neither will she allow anyone to reformat her in their image. Russia will not close herself off from the world, but anyone who tries to close her off from the world will be sure to reap a whirlwind.

7. Russia does not wish for the chaos to spread, does not want war, and has no intention of starting one. However, today Russia sees the outbreak of global war as almost inevitable, is prepared for it, and is continuing to prepare for it. Russia does not war—nor does she fear it.

8. Russia does not intend to take an active role in thwarting those who are still attempting to construct their New World Order – until their efforts start to impinge on Russia’s key interests. Russia would prefer to stand by and watch them give themselves as many lumps as their poor heads can take. But those who manage to drag Russia into this process, through disregard for her interests, will be taught the true meaning of pain.

9. In her external, and, even more so, internal politics, Russia’s power will rely not on the elites and their back-room dealing, but on the will of the people.
To these nine points I would like to add a tenth:
10. There is still a chance to construct a new world order that will avoid a world war. This new world order must of necessity include the United States—but can only do so on the same terms as everyone else: subject to international law and international agreements; refraining from all unilateral action; in full respect of the sovereignty of other nations.
To sum it all up:
play-time is over. Children, put away your toys. Now is the time for the adults to make decisions. Russia is ready for this; is the world?
*  *  *
Full text of Vladimir Putin’s speech and a question and answer session at the final plenary meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club’s XI session in Sochi on 24 October 2014 can be found here

30 Oct 2014

DAVID ICKE : “Remember this: No one rules if no one obeys.”







David Icke Exposes
The Archon Conspiracy
And The Crumbling Matrix




The Archontic mind is worshipped
by the mind of the psychopath


 David Icke Exposes The Archon Conspiracy And The Crumbling Matrix

AWAKEN at Wembley Arena, 25th Oct 2014

One of the world’s most loved and mocked public figures; the former BBC TV sports presenter, author and speaker, David Icke, has come a long way since that infamous Wogan interview of 1991, achieving something of a cult status if Saturday’s marathon Wembley performance is anything to go by.For over ten hours, Icke held the attention of close to 12,000 people, some of whom had flown in from around the globe, as he challenged just about every societal norm, belief and assumption about the nature of reality, plunging deeper down the rabbit hole than most conspiracy theorists have dared.“The nutter is back,” he roared, as he took to the stage, before deftly turning the idea back on to his detractors – the people imposing our “fake reality,” through “The Bubble Program” of state controlled education, media, science, politics, medicine and law.“We need the end of ‘normal’”Warming to his theme, Awaken, Icke wasted no time hammering home the idea that we are living in a madhouse we have accepted as normal. “There’s no need for a single person to be hungry or homeless on this planet,” he admonished. “Most people are caught up in the program. Others who can access another reality are called mad.”

The vast majority of us are unknowingly suffering from an unhealthy slave mentality, he said. We are experiencing the psychological phenomena of cognitive dissonance, where our beliefs and behaviour are in conflict, and Stockholm syndrome – the traumatic bonding with a captor. This was all cheerfully summed up as “The Bamboozle.”

Icke drew on the works of pioneering artists, thinkers and scientists to support his theories. Names like: Nicolas Tesla, Leonardo Da Vinci, Osho, Einstein, Carl Sagan, Bob Marley and Gandhi, flashed up on the big screen in quick succession.

Our ability to “decode reality” is linked to what we are able to perceive, he went on. Sages and shamans have long been able to see beyond the narrow frequency range of visible light. It’s no coincidence that the pineal gland located in the brain, also known as ‘the Mind’s Eye’, is being calcified with the introduction of fluoride into our water.

© Creative Press Icke launched into a blistering attack on the establishment cover-up of paedophile rings. The crash course in metaphysics and quantum theory evolved to encompass the ubiquitous presence of electro-magnetic fields connecting everything. “The heart is the body’s most powerful electro-magnetic field; it just knows,” he said. “And this is why they want to shut it down with depression, fear and worry. The brain obeys the heart. When the heart, brain and central nervous system are in harmony, we are in a high state of consciousness.”“The world is structured to put us into low vibrational states of emotion. Our reality is akin to the movie, The Matrix. We need to stop living the lie of who we are. We are in an intellect prison, and it can’t connect the dots to see the picture.”The idea that the universe is a hologram existing in waveform information may be a harder concept to grasp for many, but with recent features in the New Scientist and the Scientific American, it’s gaining wider acceptance.The Archon HijackIf the first three hours hadn’t shattered your false programming – assuming you arrived as ‘normal’- the next session could have been the hammer blow.

Protesting and fighting the system is doomed to fail, boomed the indefatigable Icke, preparing his audience for an even bigger shift in perception. Politicians are just puppets, and it’s not the corporations who are directing events. When you go deeper, you see the Rothschilds, but that’s not all; twenty-five years of research has brought him to the conclusion that “reality is teeming with different impressions of life”.

What people really need to wake up to is the fact that this reality has been hijacked by an invisible force the Gnostics used to call “Archons,” he said. This “truth” stored in the Great Library of Alexandria in ancient times, also known by the French Cathars and other cultures by different names, had to be destroyed, so that a “fake God” could be installed.

“The Archontic mind is the mind of the psychopath: no empathy or shame, no remorse, pathological liars. It’s the mindset seen in world leaders, and increasingly, the militarised police, and banking”, continued Icke flicking through images of EVIL to illustrate “the inversion of the word LIVE”. Humanity has been kept ignorant of this death cult, and Archontic followers, like for example, Satanists and the Archontic media, are obsessed with death and killing. The All Seeing Eye printed on dollar bills is a symbol of the Archontic network.

Most politicians are of the Archontic bloodlines or agents of them – psychopaths, and the legal system imposes the will of the political system. The Archon Agenda 21 is a plan to introduce the Hunger Games Society. We’re heading towards a cashless world and “rabbit-hutch Britain” in human settlements. It’s already being projected as local community initiatives but it’s actually centralised through the EU.

There’s a war on our health to systematically weaken us so they can walk in. If you’re sick, you’re easier to control. The big WMD is the war on human health, with Big Pharma literally “a crime scene” while they try to destroy alternatives.

© Creative Commons “The Archontic mind is the mind of the psychopath: no empathy or shame, no remorse, pathological liars Reptilian hybrids possessed by ArchonsWhen Icke came out with the idea that reptiles rule the world, many years ago, he was roundly ridiculed and labelled mad. But disbelief is turning to respect, as more of his theories have come true, and several have been found to originate in old text texts. The existence of reptilian entities is one of the latter, having been described by the Gnostics nearly 2,000 years ago.Certain bloodlines were created to be vehicles of these entities, he continued, as the audience stared at reptilian illustrations of the royal family. “The reasons royals interbreed is to hold the information field which has certain personality traits the Archons want, because it has no compassion or empathy. The frequency of the hybrids is far more similar to the Archons than the rest of the population.”“We’ve been infiltrated by a force taking over reality because they look like us. People will soon have to face the facts that this is why the world is how it is.”The relationship between paedophilia and Satanism

Barely pausing for breath, Icke launched into a blistering attack on the establishment cover-up of paedophile rings, which are now, thanks to the Internet, blowing wide open.

“Paedophiles are infesting the establishment on multiple levels,” he said. “The number of children being abused all over the world is staggering. The reason that Satanism and paedophilia are interrelated is because paedophiles are possessed by these entities, which stimulate a desire for children and draw on their energy. Ted Heath was doing it, and Savile was supplying the rich and famous – which is why he was never prosecuted.”

Icke is convinced the truth will eventually come out, and when it does, the political establishment and Royal family will collapse. The cover-up is so blatant, he said, with New Scotland Yard acting as a “political paedophile protection unit.”

“We can change our Archon World”

The dot connecting that David Icke has become famous for, continued as he drew lines between different expressions of the same conspiracy.

Radiation is much higher than it was 50 years ago, and chemtrails are part of the plan to take us away from infinite consciousness, he said. The influence of Archontic entities is changing the planet to make it feel more like home, to change the atmosphere into that of an “Archon World.”

The transhumanist agenda, in which technology is inserted into the body, for example, by using microchips to replace drugs, is to make us become slaves of society. Archons are a robotic force and they want to make humans like them. The reptiles’ god is technology.

Icke’s dystopian view of the future assumes that the masses will stay glued to their TVs, locked forever into the hive mind of the Matrix, which says ‘I have no power’. Is it a lost cause? “No way!” thundered Icke to rounds of applause. “The solution is consciousness.

As soon as we wake up the game will be over. They are keeping us in mental and spiritual deception because they’re scared we’ll wake up. Joy, peace, love and compassion will change it. By disconnecting from the program, we take their power away.”

© Creative commons “We need to transform our reality by changing our reality to truth and love, to be who we really are By following Icke’s example and not worrying about being ridiculed or ostracised for being our true selves, we have a real chance of changing the system, seemed to be his final message.He said: “We need to transform our reality by changing our reality to truth and love, to be who we really are. A personal revolution is needed! The New Age movement is escapism; it’s in denial. We are the revolution if we cease to conform to traditional reality. The conspiracy is coming down. The cracks are appearing. There’s a phenomenal wake up occurring in the world. The system will try to oppress it, but it won’t succeed because of the magnitude of the global awakening.”Holding his audience still in the palm of his hand after ten hours of delivery, the king of conspiracy theory’s final words drew rounds of applause and a standing ovation.


David Icke AWAKEN at Wembley Arena 25th October 2014

28 Oct 2014

Ben Fulford 28.10.2014 The battle for the planet earth is reaching a climax





The battle over the psychological process of deciding what humanity does in the future is reaching a climax. The most dramatic development is probably the fact that the so-called ISIS campaign is now becoming a civil war within the military industrial complex of the sort seen during the last years of the Roman republic.

Also, the old cabal is ramping up its ebola fear campaign in the US even as it is being damped down elsewhere. The 188 nation BRICS alliance, for its part, continues to seek new friends for peaceful development and is succeeding in drawing England, France, Germany and Japan into its orbit.

The BRICS alliance members will make sure the world does not trade US unipolar hegemony for Chinese hegemony. Last week Japanese military forces staged simultaneous military drills with Russia and the United States. The United States military in Japan welcomed this move.


Russia has also staged drills with India, even as the US stages repeated drills with many countries in Asia. This is all aimed at China, multiple sources agree.

According to Marco Di Mauro of the Italian P2 Freemason lodge, in 2008, the last time he went to Asia to negotiate a new financial system with the Chinese, they demanded 80% control of the world’s assets. More recently, he says he was forced to cancel a trip to Asia because he was warned by the Italian secret service the Chinese were planning to have him killed in Manila.

Di Mauro also says that a “Vatican congregation manager” by the name of Rienzi Franco met with Chinese secret service agents in Hong Kong in 2011 and offered China $13 trillion.

If this above is all true, it goes against the deal the White Dragon Society made with the Asians which was that there would be a 50/50 split between East and West with each retaining veto power over their own region.

The point being made by all the drills is that if China tries to take sole control of the planet, there will be war because India, Russia, Japan, Europe, the United States and many other countries will not let that happen.

The goal is to have a multi-polar world along with reformed international institutions capable of ending poverty and stopping environmental destruction. It is not to replace the dictatorship of the US secret government with the dictatorship of the Chinese communist party.

In any case, the brinkmanship is on the rise these days because the governments of the US, the EU and the UN are all showing visible signs of insolvency.

Last week, for example, evidence emerged the United States of America Corporation has been shut down. The corporation has been removed from the Dun & Bradstreet corporate data base. In addition, the Puerto Rican government’s site lists the:



as “cancelled” (cancelado).

According to British MI5 intelligence, this is the entity that presided over the East Coast of the United States of America, including Washington D.C., Yale University and Skull and Bones. Its’ mandate was cancelled by the French Freemason Grand Orient Lodge, the source said.

This is almost certainly connected to the many suspicious deaths of J.P. Morgan bankers since J.P. Morgan is controlled by the Skull and Bones Bush clan. One aim of the attacks on J.P. Morgan insiders is to gain access to a database of over 119,000 people, including President Barack Obama, who are receiving bribes from the Bushes, according to a CIA source in Asia.

The same source also says there are daily shouting matches in the White House these days, often between Michelle Obama and top presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett. Michelle Obama appears to be getting the best of these encounters, he notes.

A further indication of insolvency in the US is that the Internal Revenue Service has started arbitrarily seizing bank accounts owned by individuals with no criminal or tax evasion record. In the past we have received reports from people who claimed the US government raided safety deposit boxes and also arbitrarily stole millions and in one case hundreds of millions from them. What is different this time is that they are going after accounts with less than $10,000 in them.


There was also another sign that it is not business as usual for the Federal Reserve Board to be seen on the Chinese government’s Xinhua News site. It is a series of eight photographs showing a meeting at the Federal Reserve Board with the subtitle

“Fed Board Governors held an open meeting to discuss a final rulemaking requiring sponsors of securitization transactions to retain risk in those transactions.”


What this means is that the derivatives worth in theory hundreds of trillions (according to the BIS), and even quadrillions and quintillions according to intelligence agency sources, that are keeping many megabanks afloat will have to be taken off the books. The banks cannot retain risk in transactions that are worth far more than world GDP because there is no reality to back them. Chinese sources are saying that allowable leverage from now on will be returned to the 10 times maximum historical experience shows to be sustainable. Right now in the US, thanks to President Bill Clinton, it is 100 times.

The EU, for its part, has suddenly, out of the blue, asked the British to fork over two billion Euros by November 1st and is trying to hit up several other countries as well. This sudden request for cash is for an amount that is suspiciously similar to what Russia is asking for in payment of Ukraine’s unpaid gas bills.

The EU has also suddenly added black market drugs and prostitution to their GDP figures in order to make their economies appear healthier and bigger than previously reported.

The UN, for its part, last week out of the blue asked Japan to fork over $1 billion for “climate change.”

The desperate cabalists are also trying to stir up trouble in new regions. Last week people connected to former US president Bill Clinton contacted the White Dragon Society to make threats to start a nuclear war between Pakistan and India. Sure enough the threats were followed by artillery barrages between Indian and Pakistani forces in the disputed region of Kashmir.

India and Pakistan have acted badly over Kashmir ever since independence. It is as if in the story of two women asking King Solomon to decide who is the mother of a disputed baby, they both agreed with Solomon’s decision to cut it in half. Both India and Pakistan are parents of Kashmir and they should give birth to an independent Kingdom of Kashmir that can become a free trade and friendship zone between the two giant neighbours. Then cabal troublemakers will no longer be able to stir up trouble in that region.

The ISIS situation is also now an obvious cabal civil war by proxy. American and Israeli agents are using American weapons to shoot down American air-force planes for reasons that have nothing to do with the US.

Meanwhile there is lots going on this week in the X-files category. First of all, Vincenzo Mazzara of the P2 freemason lodge wrote to say the black sun they worship is the Zoroastrian god. He went on to say “the dark energy is everywhere in this dimension…my mission is to erect a temple to the Black Hole, the real lord of the universe.” He adds that the dark matter has “recently entered the solar wind and the earth’s atmosphere is transforming into X-rays.”

His evidence was the recent appearance of a pumpkin face on the sun.


This appearance was followed by major solar flares and, likely as a result, US, Japanese and European weather satellites went offline last week.

Furthermore, we can confirm through MI5 British Intelligence that last week NASA abruptly terminated live coverage of a comet approaching Mars after a planet sized explosion suddenly appeared there. Here is a link to an independently filmed video of that explosion:


A US based source who correctly predicted the trouble in the Ukraine and the disappearance of the Malaysian airliner, says the “the US Mars base was destroyed.” British intelligence confirmed that contrary to what the world public has been told, the US did in indeed have people on Mars.

A spokesperson for Japan’s national observatory said “if NASA is not going to comment on that, then certainly we won’t either.”

This writer was also contacted over the phone recently by people claiming to be part of the group that seized the US underground bases. They say they found people in cages and signs of gruesome genetic experiments. The bases remain closed to prevent the Western cabal elite from fleeing to them, the sources say.

In any case, the X-files stuff will matter when we actually see it affecting our daily lives. For now, if the White Dragon Society and their allies win the battle here on the surface of the planet earth, there will be major visible changes. First of all, all US and allied armed forces will be redeployed to put an immediate stop to world environmental destruction. They will also act to stop all ongoing conflicts on the planet immediately.

The UN and other international institutions will be fundamentally reformed, poverty will be ended and an era of unimaginable prosperity will begin here on earth. Then, hopefully, the quarantine this planet is obviously under will end and we can visit the rest of the universe.



CORBETT REPORT : How many TRILLIONS did the Pentagon "lose"?



In this edition of “Questions For Corbett” James fields your queries on the importance of drills, the Pentagon’s missing trillions, Prescott Bush and the Union Banking Corporation, government-run human experiments and much more.”
SHOW NOTES: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=12699

VETERANS TODAY : Leo Wanta & the settlement deal involving 33 trillion dollars


Shared by tg

[Note: Thought this interview was a very important synopsis, so transcribed some of it for those who can't listen it. The rest of the interview is important too, but my fingers gave out. (Please excuse any grammatical errors; English is not my forte.)].
And for those unfamiliar with Leo Wanta & the settlement deal involving 33 trillion dollars and certain U.S. Congressional reps who are “trying to shake Wanta down with a bribe” in order to secure billions for themselves

Re: VT Veterans Today Radio (10-22-14) Stew Webb, Gordon Duff, Jim Dean, Lee Wanta, Mike Harris: http://youtu.be/hTRMy6p5xU4
Duff: In 1947 the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations sat down and refurbished American education from university level on, rewriting and recreating the history of the United States, fictionally, erasing everything prior to this, replacing it with…there are no discussions, no honest discussions of the nature of the Federal Reserve, where it came from and what that’s done to the U.S… how the history of the United States has been dominated by discussions, as with other… We’re the only nation in the world where central banks…every central bank is always owned by the same European black nobility families – a combination of the Rothschilds…
You don’t even want to know what these people believe; but they all believe that they’re descendants of Jesus Christ; they really believe this. They believe that they’re going to live forever. [not exactly sure what he means by this but...] These people are freaks. And they control most of the money in the world; they control every central bank in the world. And they have a basic belief system that they are there to bleed every nation in the world into poverty… [re all banking stuff here]. You never really understand what it’s all about – It’s about a group of crazy families that have been around for hundreds and hundreds of years that through central banks…
We can go right back to Napoleon at Waterloo: Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo; however, the first rider that made it back to London worked for the Rothschild family, and he reported to London that Napoleon won, that Wellington had been defeated. The stock markets crashed; the Rothschild family went in and bought half of Britain on a fire sale. The next day when the news came in, they owned the country. And no one could do anything because it was already done; once you have control of the money, control of the banks, you control the country. [Intersting old movie related to this: The House of Rothschild:
Now the same thing happened to not just Germany, all of Europe, but to [inaudible] in particular in 1919 this happened… this same group, we call it NATO. NATO has no reason to exist: there is no Eastern Block, there’s no real Communism anywhere. The biggest capitalist banksters in the world are the Chinese… they’re better at than we are by far…they’ve got all of our money… if we were so smart that wouldn’t be the case.
The only reason we have NATO – they are the enforcers for this same group of people; and Preston James will call them the Secret Shadow Government. They are the people that buy your members of Congress… they’re why you have someone that was a County Commissioner making $20,000 per year in a county somewhere that has 18 cattle and 3 people living in trailers out in Wyoming…and they’ll go into Congress and suddenly not only demand a retirement of $700,000 per year for life for two years of service, living off us! But when we go into the Wanta settlements, there is 33 trillion dollars real money being held in reserves that no one is told about. We can prove this inexorably! We have all of the documentation… The members of Congress have asked for 17 trillion dollars! And I’m saying this is enough money to buy everyone in China a new home, by American standards, and a new top end Mercedes Benz.
Barrett: Gordon, it’s also the official amount of the national deficit right now. You could pay it off, be done with it.
Duff: Oh my heavens, yes!
Barrett: That would put the banks out of business because no one would be paying them interest then. What would happen?
Duff: The amount of money Congress is asking for personally to be paid to each member of Congress – and this is on an average basis – is 31.774 billion dollars! This is as much money as Bill Gates has. Every member of congress is asking to made a multi, multi, multi billionaire simply because they’ve been sitting on money that President Reagan and Lee Wanta years ago, frankly through one of the greatest financial scams in history – this is why we love having Lee Wanta on -…
I was there working for the Reagan administration intelligence at that time, and I had…I was only seeing the remote edges of what Wanta was doing. Oh my heavens, we knew nothing about this! We had no idea… there were brilliant people taking down not just the Soviet Union – and this is a tough one sometimes reliving the idea of the Reagan administration but… – Reagan had put aside money to pay off the U.S. national debt; and according to [senate?] relations guarantee that the American people would be living in the equivalent of a paradise, that we would always be what we had intended to be, instead of debt-ridden, instead of our children living in… It’s not just your children in your basement, you’ve now got your children and your grandchildren there; it’s been going on for that long. You have children and grandchildren living in your home; I sure do. I know what it’s like.
Millions of families out there do.
How many of you out there have kids that have graduated from university and are making $8 an hour, where in Switzerland, a worker at McDonalds makes $24. an hour! The lowest pay of a waiter anywhere in the EU is $15. an hour; and they get tips, although less than here.
The lowest cost of living, anyone in the U.S. that is not making $15. per hour, is either starving or on some kind of public assistance. How can we raise decent children in this country when they’re all from broken families – and economics breaks families, the mortgage fraud breaks families, the war on terror forcing now two and a half million Americans were economically forced to go into the military (they’ve been poisoned, they’ve been abused, they’re dying right now at a rate of…it’s more than one very nine…it’s more than one very nine…it’s way over that; 80% of veterans under age of 40 go into… look at suicide; we’ve lost a quarter of a million veterans in ten years to suicide because they come home after deployment after deployment… and American is always the America it’s always been – the war is over [so] screw anyone that’s been in the military.)…
The Republican party just introduced another cut to military pay, another cut to veteran’s benefits disguised as a new way of formulating the cost of living! And they want to do this to… we’re not sure what they plan doing with the money…but no one cares because no one’s listening… Why can bills like this go through? The American Legion, VFW, DAV, they say nothing about it! Military and veteran’s facilities intended for housing and to use for veterans only, are sold off to wealthy developers, all with ties to organized crime (and that you’ll be able to find our lawsuits against the VA in Los Angeles, suits that we’ve won – and these will be in the articles that Robert Rose brought, the activist responsible for helping to shut down the VA mafia and land- theft consortium – and we’ll tell you, when we filed suit against the VA for partnering with organized crime, and failing to provide services to homeless veterans, the VA spent millions fighting us in court, fighting us in particular to guarantee that they can continue to have the right to fail to provide services that they’re obligated to provide!) [here he mentions Shinsheki(sp) 'replaced by an insider']…
But this degree of how much we rewrote history…we’re back to that theme. In 1947 we decided to rewrite history to create…all we needed to do was to give people something shiny to look at.. naked women running in circles with Nazi’s watching them, cutting their hair off, making their skin into lampshades, melting them down into soap and throwing them in the gas chambers… We had to make Hitler an unimaginable monstrosity… All we had to do was create the Soviet Union as the ‘monstrous thing it was’… Iran is the imaginary monstrous thing. Iran is the same thing…
And low and behold as time has gone on, who are the monsters now? All you have to do is turn on the TV is to understand – Israel and Gaza, and 570 kids dead, and UN schools bombed, refugee camps, firebombs, napalm, saw children burned with… we’ve all seen the photographs… Everyone wants to go out and hate Jews now for that, which I don’t advocate; it’s not the answer…
What I want to leave here… this attack on reality. Everything you think and believe has been… let me explain one thing about – the American people as victims of psychological warfare. Right now we’re looking at a series of, let’s say, ‘conspiracies': …we’ve had one airliner simply disappear from the planet, just disappear, gone…; we had another one shot down… the Ukaraine is full of false-flag terrorism – they shot down a plane just to blame it on someone else, they brought snipers in to shoot down their own people in Kiev just to blame on someone else, in the middle of a ceasefire the Kiev hunta of crazed nationalist socialists left over from the second world war, are funded by organized crime oligarchs…I mean this government is a criminal conspiracy… But let’s step back here.
Over a period of years Oklahoma City… now we need to go back to Waco…we knew something was wrong in Waco. But Oklahoma City, we have proof that the IAEA declared that a nuclear attack. We have Dimitre Kolesov (sp), now a political prisoner in Thailand, bring us proof that there was involvement between the CIA, Mossad and the FBI. We have information within Able Danger that states the same thing about Oklahoma City, 9/11, Bali, that these were false-flag terror attacks using nuclear weapons, the Kobi (sp) Towers; the Beirut U.S. Marine bombing in 1983 was a small tactical nuclear weapon that obliterated… how do you obliterate a building with walls 6′ thick by setting off a truck bomb 100′ away and explosion will knock down the building adjacent rather than just blowing up in the air and knocking some windows out (as you saw in Oklahoma City Cobert (sp) Towers)?
We have Gabby Giffords (sp), a Congresswoman shot down in downtown Phoenix… you could walk to that police headquarters in 3 minutes from where she was, but police didn’t make it for 45 minutes! Homeland Security has rules that there either has to be an ambulance there, there have to be police there when any member of Congress or a federal Judge – and we had both there! – are at an event. And then this shooter… now let’s be very clear about this… the shooter was a member of… the U.S. Dept. of Defense Psychiatric Evaluations Program… since the shooter had an IQ of 60; he wasn’t allowed to join the army. The military has spent up to a million and a half dollars of psychiatric care and medication on the shooter, Gabby Gifford’s shooter, for 3 years in a program that we found was never legally funded; look all of this up… treated by army psychiatrists to make him available for enlistment? Do we really need this kind of people in our military? Is it worth a million and a half dollars? Did we create a mass murderer through a mind-control program? I think we did.
Let’s go to the Ford Hood shooting. An army psychiatrist… well he didn’t start as an army psychiatrist, he was an army medic first: they sent him to medical school, they paid for his psychiatric residency; and as Jim Dean will be able to tell you, when we looked into his background, we found that he worked for the Bush administration transition teams, we’ve found him sitting next to the Secretary of Defense at a meeting at George Washington University. And when we found that, when we published that, it took them about 5 minutes to get on the phone and beg us to take it off there.
And the idea that no kids died at Sandy Hook and that the school had closed in 2008 (?)… all of it seemed outlandish other than why did they tell…everything at Sandy Hook, no matter how skeptical I try to be… There are dozens and dozens of key issues that they simply can’t deny.
Here’s the issue with all of these conspiracies: 9/11, the WMD’s that never existed in Iraq, the double/tripple death of Osama bin Laden who died in 2001 and later had a Muslim funeral where they put a frozen body in the… there are no Muslim funerals like this. We knew he was dead! It was an Obama administration game!
All of this is a game.
The critical point we have to look at is, if one of these conspiracies is true, then they’re all true. And on these conspiracies, we have to look at them very carefully. If one of the holes that is punched in these things… [here Duff gives more examples and document proofs] but if any one of these things… [again Duff gives more examples] if the official version of any of them, if any single fact about them is false, then not only is the entire event false-flag terrorism, but it means that all of these other events are as well, and more still; not the other way around. Every spurious claim by a conspiracy theorist – and the government hires them to fill the internet to soften the real facts that get out – but if any one of these facts [inaudible], any one, the whole thing tumbles down. And we have a mosaic of hundreds and hundreds of major instances where the government has been caught utterly fabricating.”

Spain arrests dozens in anti-corruption raids

Shared by Roger
Police in Spain have arrested over 50 people across the country, including senior members of the ruling party, in the biggest anti-corruption sweep in the country’s history.
Monday’s mass raids targeted 51 senior politicians alleged to be part of a huge corruption network.
Francisco Granados, a former secretary-general of the governing Popular Party, was the most prominent figure to be detained.

24 Oct 2014




Guillermo Jimenez, James Corbett, and Peter B. Collins celebrate the annual unveiling of America’s new enemy. This year, the distinction goes to the evildoers in the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Or is it the Khorasan group? What happened to Al-Qaeda? Ebola? Who knows…





This was a special radio program.  Hundreds (HUNDREDS ??? hahaha)
of emails have come in saying this is probably the best (probably ??? … don’t put yourself down)

program they have said this is probably the best program they have heard regarding the RV/GCR.  The Ambassador of the Red Dragon Family was our guest in a 2 hour Q&A program.  Some have said his description of the Red Dragon Family, their role in world financial affairs, and the upcoming RV/GCVR is the best to ever take place.

”WHO” SAYS ???

Some have said this program has laid a foundation explaining the upcoming shift and change we to experience in our world.


Once again our program was hacked.  Here’s part of the description that came from the staff at Doublewide Radio: 


I wanted to make you aware that we had programmers standing by and monitoring the entire show last night to trouble-shoot the abnormality we have been experiencing during your show.  Sure enough, your show is being cyber-attacked by at least one individual or group.  No doubt about it.  In fact, our programmer was standing by to continuously reset it and battle back.  
It was quite a task for our programmer as it went on for nearly the entire first hour.………A bot “automated internet robot” is placed to continuously fool our system into believing that we are at capacity, therefore, not allowing more to log in.  Each time this happens over and over, our programmer quickly resets the system for an all new capacity.   Your only listeners who get caught not being able to log in are the ones who try to log in during the few seconds it takes for our programmer to reset the capacity each time during your show.  It is a constant fight, over and over.  This is an ongoing tennis match between our programmer and the cyber attacking “bot” for at least your first hour weekly, if not the entire show.
Obviously there are cabal forces at work that do not want you to hear what the The Ambassador and the Red Dragon Family is saying. OBVIOUSLY – LACK OF INTEREST CAN’T BE RIGHT


Follow Up to the Q&A with the Ambassador


23 Oct 2014



Refusal by non-compliance


American National Militia

Freedom Guardian

Check Out Education Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with DrakeBailey on BlogTalkRadio




22 Oct 2014


The Ambassador of the Red Dragon Family 
will be with Us on the Radio Program as Q&A

Live Q&A with the Ambassador 








21 Oct 2014

WAR is People’s selfishness materialism mis-placed self-righteousness arrogance and material greed


Civilised’ Western society are still plagued with selfishness,
materialism, mis-placed self-righteousness ,
arrogance and material greed
This was posted on Facebook – regarding the efforts of Neil K, Ben, David and WDS …..’The Best words of the Day.

Thank you my friend.

Talk is cheap, I want to see results.

First stop the chem trails and then come and preach the bullshit, otherwise no one is listening, and As The Ambassador claimed that the family has always owned the Fed as a creditor MY Question is that why in the name of God would you allow the atrocities to go on and the still give them more money so they can keep on bringing terror in the name of religion.

AM I MISSING SOMETHING HERE. can someone please explain..’

The below reply was insightful..

“my view (for what it’s worth) , is that the Cabals success has been down to our failures/greed/materialism, as the Peoples of the West. We have long forgotton human principles (the oneness of humanity and inherent Goodness) eg. Most Americans where quiet happy to see their Armies barbarically slaughter humanity in Iraqi, as long as it maintained the status quo and ment they could still drive to the malls for 20 cents of fuel. ( bitter truth that is hard to swallow) – it will mean very little to replace the current corrupt system with another (and probably not last very long), as long as our so-called ‘ Civilised’ Western society are still plagued with selfishness, materialism, mis-placed self-righteousness , arrogance and material greed – after all our leaders (obviously from within and part of our society are but a mirror image of the society itself)……so what u maybe missing is the fact that Russia/China/India and the forces tackling the cabal, bear this in mind….and are waiting for society to evolve before we can be set free.”





YEAH ... and at the heart of darkness is mind-control for
soul energy for all of the visible reasons stated, and more.
(….and are waiting for society to evolve before we can be set free.”) ???? ... ''WHO'' SAYS ?
''WHO WOO-WOO'' gets around - HATTER

Monsanto Harvest-Resistant ”UNNATURALLY ALIEN” GMO HYBRID Corn Now Engulfing Most Of Midwest




Corn growing through
Asphalt roadways and Airport Tarmacs


Wreaking untold environmental and economic devastation throughout the region, a strain of harvest-resistant corn engineered by the agrochemical company Monsanto is now engulfing most of the Midwest, officials confirmed Monday.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the genetically modified crop, which Monsanto originally enhanced with traits to provide resistance from pests, diseases, and environmental conditions such as drought and frost, has become completely impervious to industrial reaping machinery and has spread uncontrollably across 700,000 square miles of land. With the unharvestable corn growing through asphalt roadways and airport tarmacs all over the Midwest, FEMA has been leading efforts to evacuate millions of residents before the plants obstruct all travel in the central United States.

“This particular strain of Monsanto corn is advancing at an alarming rate, and all efforts to contain the aggressive infestation have thus far been unsuccessful,” said Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Krysta Harden, who confirmed that the bioengineered crop thrives even in inhospitable environments and threatens entire ecosystems through rapid colonization and domination of native vegetation. “At this rate, we are facing a catastrophic level of growth. The corn has spread quickly from farms, overwhelming small towns and suburban neighborhoods, and is now starting to encroach upon highly populated cities.”

“We’re dealing with a virtually indestructible corn plant that faces no natural competition and can take hold and flourish on any available surface,” added Harden. “At this point, the stretch of land from Minnesota to Arkansas has almost been completely consumed by this agribusiness product.”

According to accounts, hundreds of farmers throughout the region have been forced to abandon tractors and agriculture equipment in fields overgrown with the robust crop. Despite efforts by the USDA to halt the crop’s expansion using high-concentration herbicides, chemical treatments of the region’s soil, and controlled fires, thick rows of the corn—officially known by the Monsanto product ID MON915—have continued to overtake farmland, forests, parks, and both commercial and residential properties.

Officials confirmed that the highly resilient corn is composed of a Monsanto-patented steel-like plant fiber, creating an unbreakable stalk and an impenetrable husk that is impossible to open or separate from the rest of the organism. In addition, sources confirmed that the corn’s roots become too firmly embedded in the bedrock to remove the plant from the soil.

“This genetically modified corn is so dense in places that it has rendered many towns in the Midwest completely inaccessible,” said Harden, warning that the corn, which was carefully engineered in Monsanto’s St. Louis laboratories, was rapidly draining the nutrients from the soil and depleting the region’s groundwater. “By our estimates, the crop is now consuming 100 acres of land per hour, and is likely to completely cut off the Omaha metropolitan area by month’s end.”

“Unfortunately, the start of colder weather hasn’t slowed this bioengineered corn at all,” added Harden. “It’s too hardy.”

Following its introduction during the 2013 agricultural season, the corn has ravaged natural habitats by crowding out local wildlife’s food sources and clogging major waterways, including the Missouri and Mississippi rivers, with its dense root systems. In recent weeks, experts expressed concerns about the humanitarian crisis caused by the crop’s unrelenting expansion, which has forced the populations of Columbia, MO, Carbondale, IL, Ames, IA, and several other cities to abandon their homes.

“The corn started inching in on the outskirts of town about four months ago,” said Columbia, MO, resident Carla Tanner, who was forced to evacuate with her family of four after numerous stalks of the bio-patented crop burst through her home’s floorboards, compromising several of the load-bearing elements in the building and making the structure unsafe for habitation. “None of us expected the corn to grow so fast and so thick. By the time we left, you could hardly see from one side of Main Street to the other for all the stalks.”

“There is no Columbia anymore,” Tanner continued. “It’s all just corn.”

At press time, the Monsanto Company had announced plans to bring legal action against the 65 million people of the Midwest for growing patented genetic material without paying the company’s seed premium






20 Oct 2014


On Sunday, October 19, the Ambassador and Ron had a long conversation about world events and the frustration many feel in regard to how slowly some of the needed changes materialize in our world. Many people still try to get their information, or confirmation regarding things we talk about, from the mainstream media, as if the professional liars are all of a sudden going to start telling the truth. Yes, it’s insane! Psychopathic liars do not tell the truth. What is happening in Hong Kong is but one case in point. Ron asked the Ambassador to share his perspective in another video that will not get on network news. We are attempting to educate people as the Cabal continues to create problems, stirring unrest wherever they can in order to get an overreaction that will further their plan to tighten controls and create even more conflict. It’s the old problem-reaction-solution … divide and conquer mentality!
Humanity must awaken!

DYNAMIC DUO : WILCOCK/FULFORD : Did the dragon family take control of the Federal Reserve Board


Posted by Benjamin Fulford
October 20, 2014

Multiple sources are reporting that as of October 17th, 2014, the Dragon family has taken over control of the international operations of the Federal Reserve Board and that as a result, the cabal’s ISIS and ebola campaigns, which were negotiating tactics, will be wound down. Under the deal, the United States, Europe and England, respectively, will be issuing their own domestic currencies. However, the world’s reserve currency will no longer be controlled by the families that used to own the Fed, the sources, including pentagon and CIA officials, said.

A Chinese government source was unable to confirm that a deal had been reached. Nonetheless, he did note that China, Indonesia and Japan had been printing dollars of their own under the old regime but that all new creation of dollars world-wide will stop in October. This implies that any new currency issued internationally will be something other than dollars; most likely a basket of currencies centered on the Chinese yuan.

A British MI5 source, for his part, says “Europe is in no condition to make any agreements based on the future use of the Euro. Italy, France and Germany all need to expedite the issuance of domestic currency and this is now a recognized fact.”

Moreover, there are still major power groups, notably in the Middle East and the US, that are unwilling to accept this deal, dragon family sources say. As a result, geopolitical turbulence is expected to continue until the final resistance groups are subdued and controlled. A dragon family member says they will push for complete cabal defeat by the Chinese lunar New Year , which falls on February 19th in 2015.
A high level “G7 source” independently confirmed that as a result of the new deal, “The New Economic System will be developed founded on the truth namely that there is Abundance of resources, not scarcity.”

If a deal has been reached at the highest levels of Eastern and Western esoteric power, then there will be many public signs appearing. For one thing many world leaders, including US corporate president Barack Obama, Japanese slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, UN head Ban Ki Moon and Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu will be removed from office.

Certainly things are not looking good for Japan’s Abe. Two of the ministers of his just reshuffled cabinet, Trade and Industry Minister Yuko Obuchi and Justice Minister Midori Matsuhima resigned this Monday. The ministers resigned over supposed misuse of political funds but this was just an excuse for public consumption. Both ministers were disciples of top CIA Japan handler Gerald Curtis who is no longer the top Japan handler. Sources in the Japanese imperial family say that the removal of Abe and his secret handlers such as Richard Armitage and Michael Green was part of the deal made between the dragon family and the Western leaders.

Veteran politician Ichiro Ozawa has been proposed by Japanese right wingers as an interim figure to preside over Japan until a truly independent government can be formed, the sources said. Two other names put forth as possible Abe replacements are former Osaka mayor Toru Hashimoto and former Miyazaki Prefectural governor Hideo Higashikokubaru.

There is also a strong push by the imperial family and others to merge Japan with North and South Korea to create Kopan, which would be an economic powerhouse with a population of 200 million. In such a scenario the Okinawan archipelago would become an independent kingdom and US forces in Japan and Korea would be stationed there to act as regional peace keepers.

The Chinese government source said that while in principle China supported maintaining existing borders, “the creation of such a state would contribute to stability in North East Asia.”

The North Korean regime, in particular, is very close to Japan. After Japan’s defeat in World War 2, an imperial Japanese military officer by the name of Osamu Hatanaka, with secret help from the imperial family, set out to recreate pre-war Japan on the Korean peninsula, the imperial family sources said. Hatanaka was a graduate of the elite Nakano military school and he put Kim Il Sung in power.

Also, Megumi Yokota, the mother of current North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, was brought over to North Korea at age 13 because she had both Japanese and Korean Li dynasty royal blood.

Furthermore, in a very unusual move, it was the CIA that helped Kim Jong Un purge Jang Song Thaek and his faction in order to prevent North Korea from falling under Chinese control, the Japanese royal family members said.

Kim Jong Un disappeared from sight recently because of over indulgence, the Chinese government source said. He is now recovering from ankle surgery, he said. General O Kuk Ryol, who serves as his regent, is ensuring the stability of the Kim Dynasty, he said.

South Korean government agents also contacted the White Dragon Society last week saying their government was being blackmailed with nuclear terror in order to prevent it from improving its relations with Japan and North Korea. The WDS promised that South Korea would be safe from nuclear attack because the cabal submarines that were to be used for the attack had already been sunk.

In any case, both the Chinese and the Japanese sources say they want UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon to be removed from power and arrested because he was placed in his post without proper consultation and they do not trust him.

The other cabal controlled Korean the Asians do not trust is World Bank Head Jim Yong Kim, who runs a US controlled institution whose Bretton Woods mandate has expired, as is the case with the IMF.

If we see changes at the UN, the World Bank and the IMF over the coming months, we will know for sure that a high level deal has been reached.

Many sources and reports are also claiming that US president Barack Obama has been replaced with a military government headed by General Carter Ham. If this is really true then it should be on every television screen in the nation. Until you see that, take this information with a grain of salt.

However, pentagon sources did say, as mentioned at the top of this article, that both the ebola and ISIS campaigns were being wound down now because a deal had been reached with the dragon family.

The ebola campaign was a negotiating tactic intended to pressure the Asians by threatening to use the fake pandemic as an excuse to cut off all global trade and travel. The ISIS campaign was an implied threat to cut off the flow of Middle Eastern Oil.

If a deal has been reached, expect to see both ISIS and ebola fade from the corporate news.

Speaking about ebola, the Rockefeller family contacted this writer via the Japanese royal family to say that Richard Rockefeller, the son of David Rockefeller who recently died in a plane crash, was killed by the cabal in order to silence him because he was planning to blow the whistle on the ebola campaign.

Finally, after the mention of the black sun in last week’s issue, British intelligence sent the following link to this writer:


The paintings are by Jean Cocteau who some claim to be one of the Grandmasters of the Priority of Sion (as in Sionism). Note the black sun.

There is also an Asian group known as the Red Swastika Society that claims contact with alien beings. This writer visited one of their shrines in Ginza, Tokyo and can testify that it was filled with thick, solid gold altars covered in some sort of alien looking symbols. General Douglas MacArthur was closely associated with this group, according to Japanese right wing sources.


David Wilcock comments on Fulford’s new post..

Comment by dwilcock on October 20, 2014 @ 10:12 pm

I am having a hard time believing this. Neil passed along similar information earlier this week, which may be where Ben got it from, but he said, quote,

[2:28:08 PM] Neil Keenan: Listen I am not sure if this is true or not but I believe not and I bring it to you so you know what it is like to wait for the rightful answer in its entirety…..

I will know for sure later but for now this is what I have received and I doubt if true but you never know.

I know some of the names and some are and some are not real players and have been involved in things off color over the years.

DW: So he said “I am not sure if this is true or not but I believe not… I doubt if true… Some of the names… are not real players and have been involved in things off color.”

Then it goes on with the following, starting on Thursday the 16th, coming to a head on Friday the 17th, as Ben was indicating above:

1. At 2 pm Obama signed with the Chinese, bankrupting the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve is being swallowed up by the UST under new leadership.

2. At 6 PM PST, Robert Won is going to go in and sign over the gold.

3. At Midnight EST the Organic Act of 1871 is repealed and the US Corporation is NO MORE. Long live the REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES, ONE NATION UNDER GOD WE TRUST!

4. At Midnight PST, “the Admiral” goes in.

5. At midnight PST, IRAQ goes in to include the REINSTATEMENT rate of 3.58 internationally and with a $6 – 8.00 US rate, to gather in IQD for oil credits.

6. General Ham is taking over the US Government and Commander Fairfield is taking over the Treasury.

[2:28:31 PM] Neil Keenan: I will let you know asap…..

DW: This sounds a lot like the Nesara / Dinarian / RV talk, which seems to always have been a Cabal psy-op to rook people out of their money by selling worthless Iraqi Dinars and making people believe they will be worth much more.

This was unlikely to ever be the case, for reasons several insiders have explained to me.

Therefore I am extremely skeptical about this. I will read the rest of the article now but right away I would say this is far too shaky to be treated as a true announcement. I also did not get any Skype text from Neil confirming its validity either.

- David


You were kept out the loop obviously, otherwise you would have received this :

 UPDATE FALSE FLAG: Neil has just asked me to post this for him relating to the earlier Grammy J posting:
Neil has managed to do a lot of digging and much effort to try to get to the bottom of the ‘information’ he had heard. He has spoken to the Dragon family and the Pentagon to discover that it is indeed a False Flag coordinated by an agent of the Bush faction as a distraction and to create confusion. Neil recognised the name ‘Robert Won’ and instinctively this raised an alarm as Won is not part of the Dragon family and so would never be the person in a position to ‘sign over the gold’. Also the family and China have made it clear that they will never waive the debt, meaning that they will not blame the people for the debt but attribute it appropriately to the Zionists, Nazis and other associated negatives. As usual Neil saw that there were half truths woven into the ‘information’ as with all disinformation in an attempt to give it credibility. Neil states that what is real is that the East is mostly all cleaned up in relation to banking activity, this includes Hong Kong and the HSBC (Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation) – which are now operating proper banking protocols; because the family has ‘mopped the floor with them’. Neil continues that nearly all of Asia have now got their banks working properly and there is no more ‘Fed BS’ occurring. Nevertheless, the West is still attempting to play with us – even though the West are on their last legs and in the final death throes. The Dragon family have made it clear to Neil that when the ‘signings’ do occur, these will be in China not the US and in addition there will be no signings in the Philippines as has been mentioned. I asked Neil if he had any idea of a time scale and understandably he was unable to give one- just wishful thinking on my part . Neil requests that we must stay vigilant as Cabal desperation means there will be many false flags coming through hard and fast now that we are at the gate and so discernment relating to these types of revelations and activities is key. He has had a long day and gone for a nap but wanted to get the information out to CV as soon as possible.




Comment by dwilcock on October 20, 2014 @ 10:25 pm

OK. I have now read the whole thing.

I definitely can buy the idea that ISIS was a negotiating tactic to shut off the flow of Middle Eastern oil and Ebola was a tactic to lock the borders of the US.

It sounds very plausible to me that this was used as a last-minute negotiation strategy.

I do also think it has not had the desired effect. After a long absence (I’ve been working basically non-stop for two months now and it’s finally quieting down) I am going to be updating my website. Here’s one of the things I will link to about how even at “Ebola Ground Zero”, life goes on:


People all over America are worried about contracting Ebola, but here’s one place where everyone isn’t panicked: Dallas, Texas.

More specifically, residents are surprisingly calm in the neighborhoods surrounding Texas Presbyterian Hospital, the so-called ground zero of Ebola in the U.S. where Thomas Duncan died and two nurses later became infected.

What’s going on?

The scene at The Bend in the Village — the apartment complex of nurse Amber Vinson, who was diagnosed with Ebola this week — was especially relaxed Thursday. On the complex’s park-like campus people exercised under leafy trees, moms chatted on cellphones as they pushed babies in strollers, and one man was slacklining.

Each front door displayed an Ebola warning flyer that fluttered in the wind, but everyone who spoke with BuzzFeed News seemed mostly unfazed.

“I’ve seen indifference on one side and mild concern on the other side,” said Jordan Malouf, who like many at the complex was alerted to the situation early Wednesday via a text message from apartment managers.

Malouf’s apartment lies just minutes from Vinson’s, and his office is a stone’s throw from Texas Presbyterian, but he and his wife haven’t made any changes, nor do they plan to. Malouf is still going into the office, going to the gym, shopping for groceries, and doing everything else according to routine. “I personally am not too worried about it,” he added. “The worst I’ve seen is a guy who won’t shake hands.”

And that was pretty typical for the area. Stewart Owens was lying out on an expansive lawn Thursday reading V-Wars — a book he laughingly explained as “about a virus that sweeps America and turns people into Vampires” — but said he hadn’t really noticed anyone changing their daily routines. Jackie Callanen, a retiree who saw the hazmat trucks Thursday, also was undeterred and said the area was still ideal for walking. And Kris Berry recalled waking up to news helicopters hovering overhead, but said he was still “rocking business as usual.”

More than half a dozen other people made similar comments to BuzzFeed News.

DW: My entire schedule has been booked for the last two months as I now have generated a wide variety of interviews for my upcoming new show on Gaiam TV. Now it all needs to be edited together, but if everything was made into individual episodes, there are now 43 of them. So it’s been very busy.

During this entire time, right up to a few days ago, I’ve had a variety of flights. Not one person has been seen wearing a face mask. Not one person acted in any way different. Not one person was overheard saying anything about Ebola to anyone.

The Powers that Were simply can’t milk fear out of the public anymore. The whole thing is a farce. It is very obvious that the media is higher than a kite off of this, and their sugar-high can only last so long before they get the deep crash.

So again, while this news would be nice, as soon as we hear that the dinar will go up, that’s a red alert that this is not what we’ve been waiting for.

I will try to find out more and work that into whatever I write now that I finally have some down-time!

- David Wilcock

More comments from Wilcock:

Comment by dwilcock on October 20, 2014 @ 10:39 pm

The most noteworthy data that comes in from Ben’s own sources on this subject appears to be here:

“A Chinese government source was unable to confirm that a deal had been reached. Nonetheless, he did note that China, Indonesia and Japan had been printing dollars of their own under the old regime but that all new creation of dollars world-wide will stop in October.

This implies that any new currency issued internationally will be something other than dollars; most likely a basket of currencies centered on the Chinese yuan.”

If a Chinese source is saying that “all new creation of dollars world-wide will stop in October,” that is significant.

It is also possible that the opposition groups to such a Federal Reserve change-over would deliberately muck it up with Dinar talk to de-legitimize the whole thing. A small group of people would believe it and everyone else would think it was a hoax.

I feel Ben needs to clarify how much of this came from sources of his own, independently of Keenan’s announcement, before we can see this as anything other than another unsubstantiated rumor.

- David Wilcock


Comment by dwilcock on October 20, 2014 @ 10:52 pm

One last thing.

There is some interesting chatter that suggests MAYBE this could be real.

1. One of my top sources did say about 3 weeks ago that there were plans for a deal that would return control to the US Treasury and out-source the Fed. He framed this as a very positive event. He said it would take a lot of work but it was doable. I haven’t been able to get in touch with him since then.

2. I do know that Neil has put himself on “lockdown” and isn’t speaking very much about any of what he is hearing. This may be by design.

3. I do also know that Drake leaked information he got from private conversations with Neil, and essentially said that the mass arrest scenario was going to play out soon.

4. I did call Drake and Neil after hearing Drake’s announcement and confirmed that everything Drake was saying had come from Neil.

5. Karen Hudes has also announced recently that “the US military is going to take back the government” soon.

None of this is definitive by any means, but it is interesting chatter. We also have the “2014? cube added into the Georgia Guidestones, which I’ve now worked into my latest upcoming Wisdom Teachings episodes and will be mentioning in the next update. That strongly suggests that major events are expected to occur this year, and we’re already heading into only two months left for 2014.

I will definitely be checking around and seeing if I can find out anything more substantial, including whether I can get that insider to confirm any further details from what I heard three weeks ago.

- David Wilcock


Comment by dwilcock on October 20, 2014 @ 11:05 pm

One thing I will definitely say in conclusion is that things are red-hot right now in terms of the sense of urgency… and the degree to which the Cabal is pushing for a last-minute “Hail Mary Pass.”

Everything we are seeing suggests extreme desperation and a very tangible “deadline” that is known and is causing concern.

There has also been ongoing benevolent ET disruption of any large-scale Cabal plans to wreak havoc.

This benevolent disruption works so well that I have had no concern over a widespread distribution of Ebola whatsoever.

Frankly, it is amazing that the Cabal continues to do what they do, considering it is impossible for them to win this.

Rumors are rumors, and in the past I’ve heard things that sounded far more compelling and imminent than this latest burst of chatter.

I personally have yet to hear anything that sounds definitive enough to make me really stand and take notice. Even Ben ended up saying that this change might not be visible until next Spring.

So, let the buyer beware. If anything more definitive comes in I will certainly be passing it along.

- David Wilcock



19 Oct 2014



NO MATTER WHAT the story,

DO NOT get vaccinated,

a new bioweapon is being

distributed via vaccines


There have been many reports about nanobots being developed that will destroy people. This report actually identifies that nanobot and what it is based upon. Once this nanobot is received via a tainted vaccine, it inserts DNA into your cells which instructs your own cells to produce more copies of itself and THAT is how it replicates. And it NEVER backs off, it simply orders your own cells to keep producing it until your cells die from being over worked doing exactly that. And it’s completely verified this thing came from a lab.


The elite are now going for a huge push to get the T4 bacteriophage nanobot and other tainted vaccine additives put into the entire world public via mandated injections AT ONCE. And I suspect they are going to use a phony Ebola outbreak to scare the people into accepting shots laced with T4 nanobots, with everyone receiving the shot within a short period of time.

It represents the end of mankind because it was in the hands of evil people, and that it would be used to divide humanity into two different groups – one which was rendered inferior by permanent DNA replacement, with the new DNA becoming a permanent part of what is passed on through the generations.

You know about the NWO plan for global depopulation and the establishment of compact slave cities that can be managed with ease. What better way could there be to manage a massive depopulation than a fake outbreak, with the real disease being in mandated shots, peddled as vaccines that are supposed to protect? You can bet the elite do not want to actually release something that could kill them into the wild in the form of a real outbreak. They would instead opt to use all their ill gotten tax dollars to formulate a shot and inject it into their victims, with a certain percentage of the shots being non hazardous, perhaps 1 in 10, and the rest representing the end of life for the recipient. If the disease is a managed disease that is completely non contageous and can only be received via a shot, they can rest easy while the world dies around them.

And THIS is why they are pushing vaccines so hard, and now actively working to destroy completely legitimate dissent.


With only 183K of super efficient DNA code, viral nanobots were released into the wild via vaccinations on September 22 2007 and are being peddled as a natural variant of the T4 bacteriophage. But this report PROVES THESE NANOBOT PHAGES ARE NOT NATURAL, AND WERE INSTEAD CREATED BY ISRAEL.
These nanobots invade host organisms or cells and insert DNA that causes the host make more nanobots until the host organisms or cells die from overexertion producing them. THESE ARE LIKELY TO BE IN THE PAPALOMA VACCINE, FLU SHOTS AND OTHER VACCINATIONS, VACCINES WILL BE THE DELIVERY MEDIUM THESE ARE DISTRIBUTED WITH.



Nano Tech Injection Lobotomy

The establishment media and the scientific dictatorship are promoting brain-eating vaccines that virtually lobotomize people and rewire their brains into a state of subservient compliance so that their natural instinct to get angry and rebel against the tyranny being imposed upon them is neutered and sterilized.
“Academics say they are close to developing the first vaccine for stress — a single jab that would help us relax without slowing down,” reports the Daily Mail.




